Valentine “Yee-Haa” Dance Fest

It was a true Cowboy Valentine’s Day, complete with the hats, boots, swirly skirts, and some old-fashioned square dancing in the gym!  After weeks of practicing our steps, we were finally ready to give those heel-and-toe dances our best shot.  Not only did we do the easy dances, but we also did our own versions of “Oh Johnny“, “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown“, “Hi Lee Hi Low“, and “Gentle on My Mind“.   We did circle right and left, single file, swing, allemande, promenade, do-sa-do, star in the middle and MORE!

The last two dances are Nestor favourites… the chicken dance and the macarena!  Thank goodness it was almost lunchtime when we finished.  After a few liters of water, we were glad to tuck into our fabulous “friendship fruit salad“.  The pink Strawberry ice cream was a coooool delight as well!  At the end of the day, we took our near-to-bursting Valentine Pocket Garden off the wall so that we could open up all those Valentines we collected!

Yee-Haa… there may be a few tired cowboys and cowgirls tonight!


Dance Fest – Square Dancing from Nora Boekhout on Vimeo.

Dance Fest – Fun Dances from Nora Boekhout on Vimeo.


Which was your favourite dance?

What was the prettiest, funniest, or sweetest  Valentine
that YOU received? 



Happy New Year 2012!

It is amazing to think that it is now 2012!

We have been busy thinking about NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS!  Have you?

Mrs. Nielsen had a very inspiring post about what you would put in a “New Year’s Survival Kit“.  It was such a unique idea that we thought it would be fun to create our OWN “New Year’s Kits”!

Here are some of the things
in our Classroom2Kids New Year’s Kit:

*String… reminds me to connect with others. Alina

*Butterfly…reminds me of nature. Alyssa

* A match… to light up dark times. Amanda

* Candy…because it reminds you can always be sweet. Bryan

*A book…is a life to remember. Dennis

* Paper clips… remind you to extend your friend ship. Dylan

*KNIFE………….cuts away bad thoughts. Eric

*Diary… reminds me of writing in good memories. Hannah

*A ball… reminds you to try harder. Hayden M.

*A trophy…to remind you that you are special. Hayden Y.

* A rock… to be strong. Jayde

*A piece of paper… to draw good thoughts. Jesse

*3 candles… for love, peace & harmony. Kendon

* Sticker…because it reminds you to stick up for your friends and family. Mattias

*A spoon… to remind you to scoop up new ideas. Megan J.

*Soap…  to wash away sad things. Meghan L.

*power bar… to have the power to be brave. Shay

*Medicine…To heal others, yourself, and family. William


You can view EACH STUDENT’S “Happy New Year Kit” on their personal blogs!
Look on the top menu bar for “About Us” and choose “Student Blogs”
or… just click here!  STUDENT BLOGS

 What would YOU put

in YOUR KIT???

Year-End Blog… Christmas Activities

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas ‘frenzy’ is already over, and we are on to “Happy New Year”!!! We had a wonderful school-time end to 2011 (can you believe that it will be 2012 when we return to school?)

I have to admit that I felt a lot of nostalgia watching my current students in our videos as I put together our “year-end” blog.  It makes me think of a saying that reminds us to treat the “Present” as a “Gift”.  When I look at these delightful young children (no where near knowing where their lives will take them) I feel a good deal of happiness knowing that this was one of the “good times” in their school experiences.

Let’s start with a “Pot Pourri” of some of our activities!


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Next comes our “Yule Log” Christmas gift to our families.


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Finally, the “Best of the Best”… the songs from our Christmas Concert!


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Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!

Students Upload Their Own Posts!

Our “Dear Santa” letters had a special excitement to them, because the students uploaded their posts almost completely on their own for the first time!  Here’s what they did:

-Wrote to Santa in MSWord
-Learned how to login to their blogs with their usernames & passwords
-Activated “Easy Mode” (what a fantastic option!)
-Put in the title and copy/pasted their MSWord document
-Checked off “Blogging” as a Category and checked “Publish”

-Created a picture of Santa in KidPix, printed out as an outline to color
-Filled in the color on the computer in “Todd Parr” style
-Saved the picture and then also exported the picture as a jpeg
-Went back to their blogs and uploaded the jpeg into their Dear Santa post

Personally, I think it is AMAZING
I am SO PROUD of my Classroom2Kids Bloggers!

You can find our Student Blogs are located in a separate tab under the “About Our Class”, or you can just “CLICK HERE“.

The next step will be…
to upload a post FROM HOME! WOW!


BOO to YOU! Happy Hallowe’en!

What a FRIGHTENINGLY FABULOUS Hallowe’en celebration at school! We started off our day with Hallowe’en Stations where the students traveled around the school to do different activities. In our room, Mrs. BOO-khout sang “Witches’ Brew” and “Looking for Dracula” and then played Hallowe’en Bingo. THe Nestor PAC put on a rousing set of races in the gym, with Mad Scientist Della Vedova narrowly losing to Princess Leia in the Pumpkin Roll! After lunch it was the HALLOWE’EN PARADE! The weather was GREAT and we got to take the parade outside. Our “Canada Food Guide Hallowe’en Party” was a yummy success. Our nutritious food was dressed up into monster toes, goblin fingers, scary dips, witches’ cauldrons, bloody pumpkins and MORE! We made a HORRIBLE Witches Brew (Shhh! no one was allowed to use words like delicious or tasty!) with slimy gummy worms, bat’s blood, Magic potions #7 and #3, zombie tidbits, and ghoulie guts! We lit the Jack o’Lanterns we had carved and played Hallowe’en Bingo. There were sweet treats to share and three people even brought goodie bags for everyone! What a FUN-TASTIC celebration!

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You can watch a Hallowe’en Races Video of some of our fun in the gym!

Hope your Hallowe’en was as Happy as ours!



It’s PUMPKIN time!

What a pretty pound of pumpkins WE have had going this week! The “Pumpkin Man” snuck into our classroom overnight and left one pumpkin on each table… six altogether.  During the week, we READ about pumpkins, watched a PUMPKIN PATCH VIDEO about pumpkins, learned about the pumpkin LIFE CYCLE, and WROTE FACTS about pumpkins.  We MEASURED our pumpkins and COMPARED them to the circumference of our head, our weights, our heights and MORE.  We counted OUR RIBS (24) and THEIR RIBS.  We looked at their 3-D shapes, and the length of their stems. Then we compared all of our pumpkins with each other.  After doing all this math and science work with our “Table Pumpkins”, we got to go out into our own “Nestor Pumpkin Patch” and choose a pumpkin of our own to take home!  They were pretty big, but none as big as the 2010 largest pumpkin of 1,800 pounds!  (Did you know that the record size of a pumpkin pie is 20 feet wide… almost as big as our classroom!) 

Here we are at our own “Nestor Pumpkin Patch”.  We got to hunt for pumpkins in our very own school park!  A big THANK YOU to our PAC for organizing this activity for all the primary students!


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What we know about pumpkins!

By Div. 7

Most pumpkins weigh between 9 to 18 lbs.
There is a sport called underwater pumpkin carving.
A pumpkin is really a squash. It is a member of the Cucurbita family.
Giant pumpkins can be as heavy as a little car.
You can cook pumpkins.
Pumpkins are used for feeding animals.
Flowers grow before the pumpkin grows.
Pumpkins can  be planted directly into your garden by seeds or by transplanting.
Inside the pumpkin you will find pulp and seeds. Pulp is orange stuff that is gooey.
The first pair of leaves look like a butterfly.
Six of seven continents can grow pumpkins, including Alaska! Antarctica is the only continent where pumpkins do not grow.
The world record weight for a pumpkin is held by Chris Stevens at 1,810 lbs. in 2010.
The seeds that you find inside a pumpkin are creamy white. The seeds a farmer grows are coated in a pink powder.
Fungus often grows on the leaves.  Amanda found that in her own garden.
Pumpkins can vary in color from white to yellow, to green, to orange.
People use pumpkins to make jack o’lanterns.
If you plant your pumpkin, do it 1 or 2 inches deep, in a group of 5.

Pumpkins are great plants for kids to grow. Dylan, Amanda, Hannah, Meghan L., Mattias, Keegan, Dennis, Eric, Alyssa have all tried it!
Pumpkins contain Vitamin A and potassium.
In winter, farmers can feed pumpkins to chickens to help egg production.
Seeds from related plants have been found in Mexico dating back to 7000  to 5500BC.

 We also found out that little pumpkins may have more seeds than big pumpkins.  It may depend upon the number of RIBS that a pumpkin has. We have a SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS (that means a prediction based on a real fact)!  We think that OUR pumpkins with more ribs will have more seeds! We will find out the answer when we scoop out our 6 classroom pumpkins!

What do YOU think
we will find???




Wattles, Caruncles, and Snoods… Oh My!

It’s TURKEY TALK time in Canada!


Terry Turkey


What a FUN FRIDAY we had! 

It started off with our Principal’s morning music selection and his morning messages.  Then we heard GOBBLING noises come over the PA system!  Mr. DV said that “Terry Turkey” was visiting and was right in his office.  (Hmm… Terry Turkey sounded a lot like Mr. DV with a funny voice.) Terry Turkey told us that he had been invited to dinner… oh! oh! did he know that HE was going to BE the dinner?  When Mr. DV came by our room later, we showed him our photograph of… guess who… TERRY TURKEY!

Next came Primary Sing-Along.  All the students in Grades K, 1, and 2 meet in the Multi-Purpose Room to SING! Mrs. Boekhout reminds us that you do NOT have to be a good singer at all.  Singing gives your lungs exercise and gets the oxygen moving to your brain.  Singing makes your heart HAPPY and makes you feel GREAT!

In the afternoon, we got to meet our Grade 5 Buddies for the first time!  They helped us do a little “turkey art” project.  We learned a bit of turkey anatomy too.  (The anatomy is the body parts.)

A wattle is the bright red growth under the turkey’s neck.  The caruncle is the pinkish-red fleshy skin on the head and neck. A snood is the flap of skin that hangs over the bill. It looks pretty strange to us!  Male (and some female) turkeys have some long dark feathers on the chest which are called a beard.  Male turkeys (often called Gobblers) have a spike on the leg called a spur. Male turkeys like to open up their beautiful tail fan… “Look at me! I’m so handsome!” Female turkeys are called hens, and they are usually quite drab.  That’s important because they need to blend into the environment when they are sitting on their eggs!

 After all that “turkey talk” we got to go on a “TURKEY TROT” around the top field.  Some of us ran even faster than at the Terry Fox run! I guess we are building up our STAMINA!  The whole school met in the gym afterwards for the Turkey Trot draw.  Meghan L. was the lucky winner in our class.

Here’s a little video clip of us doing our best “Turkey Impression” after the Turkey Trot!

Our Turkey Impressions 


Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!

You can read about our “Thankful Thoughts
on our brand new Student Blogs!
(You’ll find them on the top menu bar under the “Our Class” heading.)


Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ting-Ting! Phsst! Pop! Bang! Bang!

Let the Year of the Rabbit begin!

Today we celebrated the start of the Chinese New Year with our traditional Nestor Chinese New Year Parade. It is a VERY noisy activity with the sound of loud firecrackers and Chinese music coming over the PA system and the entire school cheering and waving Chinese lanterns and dragon puppets along the hallways.

We have a very special dragon… the head was made by Nestor teachers in 1998 and the body was made by Nestor parents in 2000 with material donated by almost every student in the school! We also have a traditional Chinese Lion head, as well as a “little” Lion head, brought back from Hong Kong by one of Mrs. Boekhout’s parents. Our Grade 5 Buddy class takes care of the heavy dragon head and the big banners, but Classroom 2 kids get to have a turn in the looooonnnnng dragon body, as well as the two lions!

Our class is all born in 2003, which is “Year of the Sheep” (or Goat), except for our students born in January, who are “Year of the Horse”!

You can check out some Chinese New Year information at Mrs. B’s website.

Here is a short VIDEO of the beginning of our parade!!!


and our dragon made it on to the front page of the local newspaper too!!!

What an EXCITING time!!!

Groundhog Day 2011

All we can say is…

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Hmmm…..  a lot???

We didn’t have a woodchuck in the classroom but we DID have a WOMBAT!  (Wilbur Wombat is a classroom visitor from Mooloolaba, Australia. Actually, we are kind of wondering if Haida Bear will ever come home!)

So… the classroom Meteorologist of the Week took Wilbur Wombat outside to do the SHADOW CHECK!  We all crowded around to see… would the WOMBAT see his SHADOW and predict 6 more weeks of WINTER???

Yippee!  No shadow!  Spring will be early here! (Mind you, by recess the sun had come out and we ALL saw our shadows.)

Wiarton Willie (Ontario, Canada), Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Punxsatawney Phil (Pennsylvania, USA) have a new pal on the West Coast, and it’s Wilbur Wombat!

Happy Groundhog Day to you all!


Happy New Year 2011!

We’d like to wish everyone a wonderful 2011!  There’s sure to be lots happening!


Our first big excitement is that Monty Moose is off traveling AGAIN!  He is going to be spending a few weeks in Mumbai, India!  This time he is going to be helping “Aunt Rosemary” teach quilting and other crafts to Indian ladies improving their lives by starting their own businesses!  That’s something pretty new for Monty, I’m not sure he even knows how to sew!!!  We hope he sends some good photos!

Speaking of photos… we now have our Christmas photos uploaded to our website.  We had the local Fire Fighters visit our school and make us pancakes… yum!   The PAC set up a wonderful Craft Fair so that we could buy secret presents for our families.  We made beautiful Yule Log Centerpieces as our gift to our families.  Whew!  It was a busy time!

If you would like to see the full set of photos, you will have to ask us for our password.

We’d love to share them with friends, relatives, and other classrooms… but just not “the whole world”!!!