Student Author Sharing – Non-fiction

Three of our students decided to write a non-fiction book and they have been meeting in their free times for several weeks! This was a project done completely on their own! After starting off on paper, they asked if they could use the classroom computer. Then they transferred their notes to small cards for a “presentation” to the class.

In our class, each student has a “Just Right Readers” bag, which always has at least 2 non-fiction stories. BTW, our JJR boxes are FULL of non-fiction by one of my favourite non-fiction authors, David Schwartz (and you’ll notice some information from his “Life Cycles: Siamese Fighting Fish” during the discussion.) This term, the class has been reading and writing “How To…” stories. Fluffy, our new hamster, inspired this group to write a pet book. Just like any author, our students wanted to get some initial feedback so they asked if they could present their “in progress” work to the class.

You’ll see that the class was very interested in their work! We hope they will eventually publish their work, complete with pictures, references, and maybe even chapters!

Non-Fiction Student Authors from Nora Boekhout on Vimeo.

The names of students have been deleted.


Chinese New Year and Dragons!

We really enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year on Jan. 23, 2012. This year the zodiac animal is a WATER DRAGON, and Mrs. Boekhout is a water dragon too! We have been reading and writing “How to” stories lately, and we found a wonderful “How to draw a dragon” on the internet! Then we wrote “dragon interviews“! When we did a webquest about Chinese New Year and found out that Chinese dragons have 5 toes, Korean dragons have 4 toes, and Japanese dragons have 3 toes! It seems the further away they get from China, the more toes they lose! We also learned how Chinese dragons are very different from Western dragons. Chinese dragons are snakelike, wise, and often benevolent whereas Western dragons are usually fat, nasty, and breathe fire. In celebration of Heritage Week, we paraded our Nestor dragon (with our Gr. 5 buddies) around the gym, along with our two Chinese lions! You can read more about the history of our dragon on the school website.

Here are a few photos. Unfortunately, the dragon videos did not turn out. 🙁

Sad news

The week started off with very sad news.  Our dear little hamster, Ollie, had passed away on the weekend at Mrs. Boekhout’s house.  Although Mrs. B. had noticed that Ollie wasn’t as “spry” as last year, he seemed to be just fine on Friday.  As a matter of fact, early in the week he had entertained us with some interesting acrobatics while hanging upside down from the top of his cage! On Saturday night, however, Ollie just didn’t seem well.  Mrs. B. gave him some extra cuddles and tucked him into his little bed.  By Sunday morning he had passed away.

We have set up a little memorial for Ollie, with his picture and a copy of the Rainbow Bridge poem.  Everyone has written good-bye letters, which will be buried with him.  It is a beautiful spot behind Mrs. B.’s house, with trees, ferns, moss and the sound of the creek below We hope that he will meet some of Mrs. B.’s past hamster pets, like M.J., Fluffy, and Little Bit.  We also wonder if his spirit might look down over us, just like Gino in the story “Class Pets: Ghost of PS 42”.  We wrote about our many happy memories of dear Ollie. He was very sweet and gentle.  He didn’t bite, but he did like to nibble sometimes.  He loved getting his apple slice from the Special Helper every day.  He really did stuff food into his “suitcase cheeks” and hide it in his bed!  Sometimes he would “camp out” and take all his bed out of his bedroom and pack it down into the bottom level of his cages. Being mostly nocturnal, Ollie spent most of the school day snuggled up, asleep in his bed.   We could tell when he had done a lot of “exercise” because his big wheel at the top of his cage would be tipped down the next morning.

 It’s too bad that such adorable little creatures have such a short life span (only 2-3 years).  At least we know that he was well loved and cared for, given lots of yummy food, and had a large, interesting cage to live in. We will get another hamster after a while, but dear Ollie will always be in our heart. 


Rainbow Bridge Poem


Rainbow Bridge to Heaven

This version of the poem came from and the picture is by Maris Stella.

Stuffie Picnic

It wouldn’t be a Classroom 2 “Year End” without a party for the Stuffies too! There were teddy bears, of course, but also moose, monkeys, dinosaurs, whales, Olympic mascots, bunnies, ponies, kitties, lions, snowmen, puppies, and MORE!

The day was a bit sprinkly so half the class stayed inside and the other half put their blankets (and umbrellas!) outside. BOTH groups had a great time!

We all had a delicious lunch and then settled down, all cozy in our blankets, for a butterfly video. What a great party!

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Birdie #3

Further to our post with a junco in the classroom, and Mrs. B. getting to hold a real hummingbird… we really DID have a third birdie “event”.

It happened after Sports Day. I was on my way outside to cut some blackberry leaves to feed our Walking Stick insects when she noticed some crows picking at something on the ground. It was a bushtit nest (these tiny little birds make a long “bag” nest!). When I looked inside, there was a broken egg shell. Lots of people were at the park, so I thought I would show the children my exciting find. The moms there mentioned that they had noticed how busy the crows had been. As I showed the nest to the children, I suddenly noticed a tiny little ball tucked up at the top… and it was breathing! It was a baby bushtit! I couldn’t reach the branches of the tree to try to hang it back up, and even if I could, the crows would have gone right back and eaten the baby! Soooo….. I took the baby home! I have fed baby cockatiels, lovebirds, parrotlets and more, so I got out my baby bird food and got to work!


Here is a little VIDEO of our Baby Bushtit being fed!!!

Baby Bushtit