Student Author Sharing – Non-fiction

Three of our students decided to write a non-fiction book and they have been meeting in their free times for several weeks! This was a project done completely on their own! After starting off on paper, they asked if they could use the classroom computer. Then they transferred their notes to small cards for a “presentation” to the class.

In our class, each student has a “Just Right Readers” bag, which always has at least 2 non-fiction stories. BTW, our JJR boxes are FULL of non-fiction by one of my favourite non-fiction authors, David Schwartz (and you’ll notice some information from his “Life Cycles: Siamese Fighting Fish” during the discussion.) This term, the class has been reading and writing “How To…” stories. Fluffy, our new hamster, inspired this group to write a pet book. Just like any author, our students wanted to get some initial feedback so they asked if they could present their “in progress” work to the class.

You’ll see that the class was very interested in their work! We hope they will eventually publish their work, complete with pictures, references, and maybe even chapters!

Non-Fiction Student Authors from Nora Boekhout on Vimeo.

The names of students have been deleted.


3 thoughts on “Student Author Sharing – Non-fiction

  1. Impressive video and how amazing that David Schwartz commented on your work! Another proud and special Nestor moment. Thx Mrs. B!

  2. Thank you, David Schwartz!
    It was soooo exciting to get a reply from a REAL AUTHOR! We have zoodles (not quite “googols”) of your non-fiction books in our classroom, so we especially appreciate your feedback! It is exciting to hear that “real authors” also meet to get feedback! We will continue working on our books!
    Sincerely, Classroom2Kids and Mrs. Boekhout

  3. You second graders are really non-fiction authors. Congratulations to all of you. The authors of the hamster book did a wonderful job, and so did everyone in the audience. I was so impressed with how attentive you were to your fellow students as they read the book. I meet with other authors also, to get their feedback. We call it a “critique group.” Keep up the good work. I look forward to hearing about your next book.
    Your friend and fellow author, David Schwartz

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