It’s TURKEY TALK time in Canada!
What a FUN FRIDAY we had!
It started off with our Principal’s morning music selection and his morning messages. Then we heard GOBBLING noises come over the PA system! Mr. DV said that “Terry Turkey” was visiting and was right in his office. (Hmm… Terry Turkey sounded a lot like Mr. DV with a funny voice.) Terry Turkey told us that he had been invited to dinner… oh! oh! did he know that HE was going to BE the dinner? When Mr. DV came by our room later, we showed him our photograph of… guess who… TERRY TURKEY!
Next came Primary Sing-Along. All the students in Grades K, 1, and 2 meet in the Multi-Purpose Room to SING! Mrs. Boekhout reminds us that you do NOT have to be a good singer at all. Singing gives your lungs exercise and gets the oxygen moving to your brain. Singing makes your heart HAPPY and makes you feel GREAT!
In the afternoon, we got to meet our Grade 5 Buddies for the first time! They helped us do a little “turkey art” project. We learned a bit of turkey anatomy too. (The anatomy is the body parts.)
A wattle is the bright red growth under the turkey’s neck. The caruncle is the pinkish-red fleshy skin on the head and neck. A snood is the flap of skin that hangs over the bill. It looks pretty strange to us! Male (and some female) turkeys have some long dark feathers on the chest which are called a beard. Male turkeys (often called Gobblers) have a spike on the leg called a spur. Male turkeys like to open up their beautiful tail fan… “Look at me! I’m so handsome!” Female turkeys are called hens, and they are usually quite drab. That’s important because they need to blend into the environment when they are sitting on their eggs!
After all that “turkey talk” we got to go on a “TURKEY TROT” around the top field. Some of us ran even faster than at the Terry Fox run! I guess we are building up our STAMINA! The whole school met in the gym afterwards for the Turkey Trot draw. Meghan L. was the lucky winner in our class.
Here’s a little video clip of us doing our best “Turkey Impression” after the Turkey Trot!
Our Turkey Impressions
Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!
You can read about our “Thankful Thoughts”
on our brand new Student Blogs!
(You’ll find them on the top menu bar under the “Our Class” heading.)