Goopy Pumpkin Scooping!

Slippery, slimy, goopy!  Pumpkins sure have slishy-sloshy guts!  That didn’t stop Classroom2Kids though!  With the help of 6 brave volunteers, we got all the slop out on our desks… ready to COUNT the SEEDS!  What a great introduction to TEN FRAME MATH!

We used egg carton counters, cut down from 12 little “cups” to 10 cups.  One seed in each cup soon became two and then three!   Did you know that if you have 5 seeds in each cup, then that makes FIFTY altogether.  Mrs. BOO-khout wrote down the counts as the students brought the seeds in to dump in a GIA-NORMOUS bowl!  Trick question…. if you have 60 seeds, then how many seeds are in each cup?  When all the seeds were in, we used our “ten frame strategies” to count up each table’s seeds.  Instead of “looking for tens” in our numbers, we went “looking for hundreds”!   First you… look for hundreds, then you… make hundreds (60 + 40), then you build up hundreds (50 + 60 = 50 + 50 + 10) and finally you… add up all the hundreds plus the leftover numbers!  That’s a LOT of COUNTING!  But that wasn’t all… we still had to count up ALL THE SEEDS in the class!   Guess how many we counted…. 1000?      NO!    2000?     NO!    We counted 2101 seeds! Wow!

The students at each table worked cooperatively (well… most of the time!) to decide on the Jack o’Lantern face for their pumpkin.  The parents turned out to be fantastic carvers (and of course we made sure that we complimented them on their great efforts!)
Mrs. BOO-khout lit tea-lights inside the Jack o’Lanterns and we turned off ALL THE LIGHTS!

Goopy Scooping 2012 on PhotoPeach


OOOOOHHHHH!   What a fun way to do MATH!

Pumpkin Scooping from Nora Boekhout on Vimeo.

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